Get Into The Perfect Crow Pose

Build strong arms, shoulders, and wrists with the Crow pose!

Bakasana, or Crow Pose, is an arm balance with a wide variety of health benefits. The Crow Pose, a pose with bent arms, is considered the stepping stone to Crane Pose, which is a variation with straight arms.

Crow Pose is an amazing full body workout. It works your arm and core muscles, as well as strengthens your wrists, upper back, and legs. It may be easier to use the force of your legs against the back of your arms for the pose, but you get more physical benefit by using your core to lift you up. Crow Pose encourages body awareness and honing in on the mind-body connection while flying in the air.

Crow Pose fosters inner focus and concentration in the present. This pose is a symbol for justice and longevity, while strengthening the sacral chakra.


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