Pilates & Yoga Fitness welcomes new article contributions for our growing blog community. Our sole purpose is to spread awareness, promote wellness and motivate people.

Through your articles, you will be able to inspire and share your experiences and knowledge with millions of people across the globe who could benefit from you wisdom.

Few things to know before you get started. Please go through our acceptance rules and guidelines for submission below.

Guidelines to follow…

  • Length: We like to give our readers bite sized portions to mull on so that they remember what they read and practice in small doses. Giving them too much information at one go will fill them up too much and they may not digest all that has been served! Your articles should be a quick read that gives dynamic information. Ideally, articles should be in between 500 – 1000 words.Welcomed topics include, but are not limited to:
    – Yoga
    – Ayurveda
    – Pilates
    – Happiness
    – Motivation
    – Mediation
    – Spirituality
    – Weight Loss
    – Herbal & Alternative Medicine
    – Nutrition and Diet
    – Recipes (with few photographs)
    – Stress Relieving Strategies
    – Psychology
    – Self-Improvement / Personal Growth
  • Layout: The best layout of an article is when it is grouped well with clear bullet points and paragraphs. This helps readers swallow and digest information better than long articles which may look less appealing. Articles that have numbers for example: 10 Tips to Better Health or 5 Yoga Asanas for a Better Back, makes for a good read.
  • Tone and Content: Readers enjoy articles that have a light and informal tone; so enjoy speaking to your readers in your articles. Our readers often look for solutions to their health and fitness problems. They want to read articles that will inspire them to make the changes outlines. Make sure that your article give tips that readers can implement easily.
  • Originality: The posts that you submit should be unique and original and not spin-rewritten. They should be exclusive to Pilates and Yoga Fitness and not appear elsewhere. We are not keen on SEO-driven articles or articles that tie up with products. Our sole purpose of articles in this blog is to share useful information & experiences with our readers which can be beneficial to them.
  • Add-ons: Images always complement articles, so look for an image that looks good with your article and don’t forget to add credits to your post.
  • Format: All articles should be sent to us in word document format.
  • Submission: It is very important for us to submit and publish articles that have no spelling and grammar mistakes. Please take some time to proofread your article before you send it over. Some minor changes maybe have to made by Pilates and Yoga Fitness editorial team to your work to make it clearer but will always consult you before making major changes. By submitting to Pilates and Yoga Fitness, you acknowledge that you accept our terms.

Reasons why you should write for us?

  • You will inspire change: Our millions of readers are made up of people who are passionate about health and wellness. They are always looking for ways to live healthy and look forward to sharing tips and ideas on this. Writing for us would mean that you are part of our healthy little world where we discuss and shape our health.
  • Global Audience & Exposure: Your articles will be read by people all over the world and this will give you exposure as a writer. Many of our contributors have landed freelance writing jobs. Moreover you will reach a large audience of people who will benefit from your ideas.

 Now ready to submit your post?

Send your proof read articles to via Facebook Messenger.

In your email, be sure to include the following details:

  • Attractive & Sensible title in subject line
  • Your article attached as word document
  • Images for the article with credit for each image (please attach as separate images and not embedded in word doc)
  • Author information: Your bio of 4-5 lines including all links to social media sites and your website
  • A  photo of yours (please attach as separate images and not embedded in word doc)

Once we receive your article, our editorial team will review it and if your article is accepted, you will hear from us within a week. If you haven’t heard from us after a week, feel free to submit the article elsewhere.

 Now, most importantly don’t forget to share your articles with your friends and family on your social network once the article is published.

Thank you for your interest in Pilates and Yoga Fitness and we look forward to receiving your amazing post!

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