Learn about 5 crucial body hormones and how to effectively regulate them

Hormones are like messengers which proceed all over the body to perform various essential tasks and procedures. Hormones affect more or less every facet of the body; directly in the increase and evolution of the mind to sexual functioning, hormones perform all of the jobs for us. The significance of the endless activities conducted by our hormones would be disregarded until we become a casualty of hormonal imbalance and fall prey to problems such as acne, PCOD, weight gain, depression, exhaustion, sleeplessness, etc.

The body secretes around 50 hormones, and while every one of these play a vital role in the performance of our own body, those five hormones have a substantial influence on how we operate. Keep reading to learn everything that you want to around these five major hormones which are working their magic in your body at the moment.


Testosterone is regarded as the most important sex hormone in both females and males. Testosterone is fundamentally a male hormone, however, can be seen in tiny amounts in women. Testosterone functions as a pure steroid, and helps build muscle mass and stamina. Research indicates that testosterone also increases brain functioning.

How do you raise testosterone production?

  • Follow a nutritious diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Sleep for 7 hours each evening
  • Reduce sources of anxiety


In scenarios such as extreme stress, the body exerts minimal levels of cortisol that is regarded as normal, but if the cortisol levels within the body are consistently high, that is when the problem starts to take shape. High cortisol levels contribute to the discharge of excess sugar in the blood that may result in elevated glucose levels.

How do you modulate cortisol levels in your system?

  • Exercise to decrease stress levels
  • Sleep often for at least seven days
  • Participate in recreational activities such as yoga and meditation


Melatonin is the hormone which regulates the adrenal glands in the body constituting the inner body clock accountable for our sleeping routines. According to scientists in the University of Colorado, camping out with zero exposure to electronic equipment and artificial lighting can help an individual get more synced because it synchronises the melatonin within our entire body together with sunset and sunrise which then helps our body modulate sleep patterns. Low levels of cortisol in the body could lead to irregular sleep patterns and boost physical and psychological stress.

How do you raise the production of melatonin from your system?

  • Cut down light exposure to mild two hours before bedtime
  • Sleep in an area that’s pitch dark
  • Don’t sleep with tight clothing


Along with this, it handles your energy levels, modulates your speed of metabolism and enables optimum operation of the heart, liver, brain, skin and kidneys. Based on doctor Rashel J. Tahzib, D.O., of Advance Health Integrative Medicine at Los Angeles, chronic anxiety, inflammation, and improper nutrition can have a negative toll on the thyroid gland resulting in short-term issues like tiredness, cold, constipation and chronic ailments such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

What do you do prevent thyroid issues?

  • Quit smoking
  • Stay protected from damaging toxins
  • Do not exert your body through intense exercise sessions
  • Avoid drinking out of plastic cups


Serotonin can also be called the’feel good’ compound within the body. Serotonin is responsible for a wholesome appetite, profound sleep, fantastic mood and other physiological functions. Serotonin imbalance may be caused because of an underlying medical condition or just because of the inability of the mind to make the hormone. Low levels of serotonin have been associated with mood swings, junk cravings, migraines, weight reduction and sleeping difficulties. Sometimes, deficient serotonin levels also have been connected with depression.

Here’s how you can deal with your serotonin levels

  • Reduce sources of tension and negativity
  • Sleep for a good 7-8 hours a day
  • Eat tryptophan reach food like avocado, yoghurt, red meat, etc
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