5 Natural Ways to Fight Hot Flashes & Weight Gain during Menopause

Menopause is a stage that every woman must pass. It has symptoms that come along with it such as weight gain and hot flashes among others. There are natural ways and other artificial ways whereby you can solve hot flashes and weight gain during menopause. The natural ways are recommended since they have fewer side effects and can clear the symptoms completely. Weight gain during menopause is common in women who do not stay active during menopause

5 Natural Ways to Fight Hot Flashes and weight gain during menopause

The following are the 5 natural ways to fight hot flashes & weight gain during menopause;

1. Exercise

Exercise is the best natural way since everybody can exercise. There are many forms of exercise such as running, walking, gym, jogging, and yoga, among many others. Choose the exercise that suits you best and which cannot cause harm to your body. Exercise helps burn the excess fat in your body and prevents obesity. The best time to have your exercise is early in the morning when your body is fresh. If you decide to visit gym, ask the instructor to show you the best way to go about it to avoid vigorous exercises which can lead the health problems.

2. Drink warm lemon water

The best time to drink warm lemon water is in the morning. This warm water helps boost the energetic function of the stomach, hence fight the hot flashes and weight gain. Lots of warm water helps to ease the metabolic rate. Warm lemon water has additional advantages advised by doctors when you have common cold. Know the amount of lemon water you want to drink at a time in order to be able to know how to mix the water and the lemon juice. Seek menopause supplements if lemon water does not work for you.

3. Rest

Rest is an excellent way to fight the hot flashes and weight gain. Allow your body to have enough rest after working out or engaging in a taxing physical activity. Resting also entails sleeping enough. Your body is not a machine hence you need to relax from time to time. There is no specific time you should rest; it depends on how you plan your time. In your daily routine, make sure you allocate time for resting.

4. Proper diet

Ensure that you eat a proper diet that can fight hot flashes and weight gain. Watch the food you eat every time you are having a meal and ensure that is not food that makes you gain weight. Reduce meals that you eat per day in order to maintain weight. To manage the weight during menopause, start the day with food rich in protein such as eggs and smoothies with protein powder. Once you get used to eating protein in the morning for breakfast you will feel full and have a reduced desire to eat throughout the day.

5. Medication and Supplements for Menopause

There are medications taken to fight hot flashes and weight gain during menopause. Doctors can give you prescriptions which you should follow as prescribed for them to work. There are so many menopause supplements such as black cohosh, flaxseed, calcium which helps prevent bone loss; red clover, vitamin D which you get it from the sun among many other sources. Every supplement has its implications if not followed as it should.


Ella James is an aspiring author who is pursuing Health Services Administration degree from St. Petersburg College. She is an active contributor to Consumer Health Digest, which is a leading Health News. In recent years, she had the opportunity to review Joint soother. Get connected with her on Facebook and Twitter.

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