Hatha Yoga Asanas for Beginners

Hatha Yoga is the branch of yoga that is concerned with the regular practice of pranayama (controlled breathing), yoga asanas (postures) and dhyana (meditation). Primarily, it focuses on the development, strengthening and revitalization of the different parts of the body. This is done to achieve the ultimate goal of inner peace and happiness. One can enrol into Hatha Yoga teacher training program to learn and teach the same.

There are five different categories of Hatha Yoga asanas which include seated poses (sitting), standing poses, back bends, resting poses and balancing poses. Since there is plethora of asanas under each category, one cannot learn all of them as a beginner. The following is the list of hatha yoga asanas for the beginners which are easy to be learnt and mastered.

Sitting Poses

Sitting pose

Paschmottanasana (forward bend while sitting)

It is one of the best asanas that protects people from diabetes and at the same time, cure the already affected people.

Baddha Konasana (Cobbler’s pose)

Improves flexibility and strengthens inner thighs, knees and groins. Also relieves sciatica pain by opening up lower back.

Upavistha Konasana (wide legged straddle while sitting)

This asana opens the hips by stretching the back of the body including legs, arms, back and strengthens the spine and stimulates abdominal organs.

Standing Poses

Standing Poses

Utthita Parsvokanasana (extended side angle)

It strengthens the knees, legs and ankles; it twists the spine in order to get better digestion.

Adho Mukha Svanasan (Downward facing dog)

It reverses the action of gravity, allowing the blood to flow in the opposite direction and improve brain function and straightens spine.

Tadasna (mountain pose)

It provides a good stretch to the chest, arms, abdomen, legs and spine and leads to mental and physical balance.

Back Bends

Back Bends Poses

Bhajangasana (cobra pose)

This asana offers the benefit of improving menstrual irregularities and decreases the stiffness in the lower back.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge pose)

This asana stretches the spine, neck and chest and stimulate lungs, abdominal organs and thyroid.

Ashtanga Namaskara (Exercise for the chest, knees and chin)

This asana assists in developing the chest muscles.

Resting Poses

Resting Poses

Savasana (corpse pose)

This asana relaxes the entire body by releasing fatigue, stress and depression, hence, mental health.

Balasana (child’s pose)

It helps in increasing blood circulation and cures back pain. It also strengthens the muscles of thighs, hips and ankles.

Viparita Karani (Legs up the wall)

This asana has anti-ageing benefits. It also helps in curing ailments like low or high blood pressure, arthritis and respiratory ailments etc.

Balancing Poses



Plank Pose

This asana leads to a toned belly, reduces back pain, offer flexibility, improves the mood, balance and posture.

Balancing on knees and hands

Apart from improving the overall body balance, it also provides strength to the spine. Brain gets relieved from the anxiety, tension and depression.

Vrkasana (Tree pose)

This pose offers to strengthen the tendon and ligaments of feet. It also improves the stability and balance in the legs.

Hatha Yoga asanas are the postures that are done with the focus of curing or strengthening the specific body parts. There are more than 200 different asanas and few for every part of the body which are taught during the hatha yoga teacher training program. It is worthy to note that these asanas are always accompanied by pranayama which also has different categories. Dhyana or meditation is the ultimate goal which is achieved with the assistance of asanas and pranayama.

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