Few Yoga Postures that can help in reducing Panic Attacks and Anxiety

We all experience panic attacks from time to time. Panic attacks are characterized by rapid rising and irresistible anxiety. In the beginning, panic sufferers are unable to determine the cause for their anxiety. There is nothing to bother with mild anxiety. But you need to think about it if the symptoms are severe and occur repeatedly. Severe anxiety can cause shortness of breath, a rapid heart rate, heart palpitations, sweating, and feeling of choking, chest pain and dizziness. Sometimes mental breakdown may also be associated with these symptoms.

Recent medical studies have proved that yoga helps in reducing the physical discomfort associated with panic attacks and anxiety. Yoga postures induce a positive and strengthening feeling. It is also known that anxiety is caused by a decrease in the production of Gamma-amino butyric chemicals in the body. Practicing yoga regularly boost up the level of this chemical in the body, thereby helping you to get rid of panic attacks. Yoga also helps you to always think positive in life.

Below is a list of few yoga postures that can help in reducing panic attacks and anxiety:
It is recommended to consult your physician before starting this therapy.)

Lotus position

Sit in the Lotus position with your legs crossed, hands resting on the knees and palms up. The most important thing is to focus on your breathing. To bring down the rapid breathing that is often responsible for panic attacks, focus on your breathing. Breathe deep with five counts and breathe out with five counts, but make sure this process become natural. Keep your eyes closed and experience the rhythm of breathing. After practicing this for five to ten minutes, you should feel much better.

Viparita Karani

This is a great pose for panic attacks as it has a great relaxing and energizing effect. It is commonly known as fountain of youth pose. It can be tried by beginners as well as experts. Lie on your back with your arms stretched towards your lower back and palms facing the ground. Take the support of the wall to rest your legs on, so that you can stay comfortably in this pose for longer time. With your palms pressed against the floor, slowly lift your lower back. Make sure the breathing is normal. Hold this pose for sometime and release the posture.

Fish pose

Fish pose is an excellent pose for opening the heart. This pose is believed to not only open the rib cage enabling the lungs to breathe more but to open the spiritual chakra. Expanding the chest eases respiration, reduces stress by wiping out the tension in the tissue in the core. Lie on your back with arms stretched towards the legs. Lift your buttocks as high as possible from the floor with your palms, head and feet resting on the floor. If you find it difficult to do, place a pillow under the back as support.


This is a pose that helps a lot to relax one’s mind. The main idea of dropping your head down towards the ground makes the heart to pump more blood to the brain. You can experience rejuvenation when you try this pose. Stand straight with your legs closer to each other. Inhaling slowly stretch your arms upward and bend backward as much as you can. Here, hold your breath for a second. Slowly exhaling, bend forward so that your finger tips touch your toes. Try to touch your knees with your forehead. Beginners should be careful and not force themselves to achieve this position. Slowly lift yourself up and release the posture.


Pranayama has multiple benefits and one great benefit is that it keeps our body relaxed both physically and mentally. It is a simple process where your body calms itself due to extra supply of oxygen. Anxiety causes tension all over body resulting in constriction of blood vessels, which in due course makes breathing uncomfortable. Pranayama makes you completely relaxed. Inhale deeply through your nostrils so that the air fills the lungs and the abdomen to its maximum capacity. Slowly release the air from your body starting from the abdomen through your nostril. In-between inhale and exhale process you are supposed to hold your breath for a while. Pranayama helps in controlling your mind.


Every yoga practice should end up with Shavasana. This pose should never be ignored. Lie on your back in a relaxed pose and eyes closed. Concentrate on your breathing as you relax. Stay in this pose for five to ten minutes. Slowly activate your fingers and toes. Then roll gently to your right, with the support o flour left hand lift the body. Now your body and mind is completely relaxed.

Shavsana brings the heart beat and blood pressure to normal which have risen due to practicing yoga.

Has anyone had experience anxiety and tried Yoga for cure? Please share your experiences here so masses can learn from you all.

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