8 Herbal Remedies For Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are also known as sinusitis. In fact, there are two types namely acute and chronic.

An acute sinus infection is caused by harmless bacteria that most healthy people have in their upper respiratory tracts. This happens to approximately 2 percent of adults and 20 percent of children who are suffering from a cold. It usually lasts for two to four weeks and those affected respond very well to medical therapy.

Among the two types, chronic sinus infections are very common. It is estimated that at least 37 million Americans are affected by this every year and this usually lasts for 3 months or more and it may keep on coming back.

The symptoms for acute and chronic are very similar. These include bad breath, cough, dental pain, difficulty breathing through your nose, erythema, facial pain, fatigue, fever, nasal congestion, nausea, pain or tenderness in the eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead and sore throat.

According to medical experts, once you’re afflicted with a sinus infection, there is no guarantee that you will not develop it in the future. Symptoms like stuffy nose and headache usually persist despite the medications given. For centuries, herbal remedies have been used to treat sinus infections because they are safe. There are no harmful side effects and the herbal preparations are easily prepared.

For sinus infections, use these herbal remedies:

  1. Licorice – for immune system stimulation, you can use the licorice roots; it is also effective in reducing the inflammation of the sinuses. Licorice is also used for ulcers so you have to choose the licorice capsules instead because it is aimed at boosting an individual’s immune system for better health.
  2. Eucalyptus – sore throat problems are often treated with eucalyptus because of its antiseptic properties. Swollen or inflamed sinus passages can also be treated with eucalyptus. Throat lozenges are very convenient to use or if you want, you can also drink the tea form. You can also inhale steam with a few drops of eucalyptus to unclog your sinus passages.
  3. Ginger – headaches can be relieved using ginger. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help in reducing the inflammation or pain in the sinus passages. Capsule forms of ginger are now available and be sure to take them as directed.
  4. Peppermint – like ginger, peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties. By taking peppermint tea or breathing its steam, the mucus membranes can be calmed. After taking it, you can breathe better.
  5. Lemon Balm – this herb is very effective in treating viral and bacterial infections. Get the dried leaves of lemon balm and steep it in hot water for 10 minutes. Strain it and make sure that you drink it while it is warm. You can also use it as gargle.
  6. Vitamins – to manage the symptoms of sinusitis, take adequate vitamins, including zinc. This can help in shortening the duration of your colds. Lingering colds can cause sinus infections but if you take vitamins, you will get better soon. Lozenge and capsule forms of vitamins are widely available in wide range of prices. Take the vitamin supplements everyday for better results.
  7. Echinacea – this can help in improving the health of your immune system. Viruses found in the respiratory system can be eliminated by using this herb. Capsule forms are Echinacea can now be bought in drugstores all over the world. When you have a sinus infection, increase the dose but after a couple of days, go back to the regular dose. If you’re allergic to ragweed, don’t use Echinacea.
  8. Antioxidants –  Eat cranberries, pomegranates, red beans, artichokes, and blueberries. Adding these foods in your daily diet will surely improve the condition of your immune system.

Before resorting to drug medications, why not try using herbal remedies first? Herbal remedies are cheaper and effective as well. If you want to cut down your medical costs, use herbs for treating the sinus infections. There are lots of information resources online about these amazing herbs. You need to ensure that you follow the directions properly so that you can create an effective herbal preparation.

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