11 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

2. Vitamin C

Lemon contains Vitamin C. It helps in the overall cleansing of your skin. Apart from this, it helps in detoxifying.
It also helps in strengthening your immune system. This way you can’t easily catch a cold or the flu.

3. Improves your skin

Lemon Water helps in rejuvenating your skin. This is because of the antioxidants present in Vitamin C. It helps the body produce “collagen” which is essential in smoothing out lines in the face. A recent study showed that people you drank lemon water have younger skin and fewer wrinkles.

Photo: pexels.com
Photo: pexels.com

4. Boosts your Energy

A cup of lemon water or tea is always preferable to a cup of coffee and especially in the morning. It will help boost your energy levels. Our body receives energy from the breakdown of molecules and atoms. As lemon water contains negatively charged ions it helps in increasing the rate of breakdown.

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